Let’s Mix Critical Security Patches and Major Architecture Changes and see What Happens.

Is re-architecting key functionality on an N.n.n release unusual?
“Yes, this was an unusual release, and an experiment in shipping new features quicker than our major release cycle normally allows.”
On version 3.6.n, plugins shared process space. On 3.6.n+1, plugins do not.

The experiment appears to have suffered a setback.

Sun/Oracle Finally Announces ZFS Data Loss Bug

If you’ve got a Sun/Oracle support login, you can read that an "Abrupt System Reboot may Lead to ZFS Filesystem Data Integrity Issues" on all Solaris kernels up through April 2010.

“Data written to a Solaris ZFS filesystem and confirmed by fsync(3C) may be lost in the event of an abrupt system reboot.”

This announcement came too late for us though.

If I am a customer of an ‘enterprise’ vendor with millions of dollars of that vendors hardware/software and hundreds of thousands in annual maintenance costs, I expect that vendor will proactively alert me of storage related data loss bugs. I don’t think that’s too much to expect, as vendors with which I do far less business with have done so for issues of far less consequence.

Sun failed.

Hopefully Oracle will change how incidents like this are managed.

Another Reason for Detailed Access Logs

Another poorly written application, another data leak. Not new, barely news.

This statement is interesting though:
“[company spokesperson] said it's unclear how many customers' information was viewed, but that letters were sent to 230,000 Californians out of an "abundance of caution.”

What’s an Important Update?

Windows update runs (good).

Windows update classifies some updates as important, and some updates as optional (good).


Windows update decides that a Silverlight update is important. It appears security related (good) but also add features (maybe good, maybe bad).


Windows update decides that a security definition update is optional (bad).SNIP2

How can a definition update for a signature based security product be optional? That’s annoying, ‘cause now I have to make sure to check optional updates just in case they’re important.